Introduction: Lovely Roses....

Hai everyone,

My favorite flower is Rose.That is why , Roses are symbol of love.The bright colors and fragrant of the roses are very attractive to both us and insects.I like roses with a heavy bunch of petals with red color.The yellow colored pollen grains inside the roses increases the beauty of it.The flowers from the rose flower plant will remains for at most 2 days ,so that i decided to make artificial rose flower to keep in a flower vase.The artificial flower has an advantage of it does not damage like original flower.I like to see the roses in my bedroom because it bring my mind to kindness and lovable.If you like roses try to make artificial rose flower to decorate to home.It makes 30 minutes.let we see how can we make a Rose flower using organdy.

Step 1: Materials Required

  • Organdy cloth of half meter : organdy cloth is the sheerest and crispest cotton cloth.
  • Crepe paper of Green color
  • Scissors
  • Floral tape
  • Thread of color match with color of organdy cloth.I use a cream color thread.
  • String or a thin wire
  • Tooth picker
  • Beads

Step 2: Making of Petals

Cut the organdy cloth into small squares of size 5 centimeters using scissors as in image.

Fold the piece diagonally to make a triangle shaped one as seen in image

Open it and fold the other two corner to the marked line as shown in image

Fold it along the center line to create a shape in image

Hold the flat side of cloth using our thumb of one hand and twisted the triangle end using other will shown in figure.

To make a petal shape of rose flower, use tooth pick to curl the edges and flat side(shown in figure)

Repeat it for 10 or 15 remaining cloth pieces

Step 3: Making of Flower

Use the string or wire to make a small hook at one end for holding bead as in image.

Take a small piece of organdy cloth to cover the hook and also make as a bud of flower and tightly tied it using thread as shown in figure.

Arrange the petals and tied each petal using thread around the bud one over the other to give it a flowery look.

Alright a flower with bunch of petals and pollen grains are ready

Step 4: Making of Stem for Flower

Using the floral tape of green color cover the stem area as seen in figure(no need of using gum because the floral tape has glue on itself so it should stick on the cloth and string)


The rose flower is ready but we have to make a leaf for better attraction.we will see in next step

Step 5: Making of Leaf

How can we make a leaf using a crepe paper??..

let us see......

Cut crepe paper into a square piece of size 5 centimeters.

Fold the piece diagonally to make a triangle shaped one as seen in is then fold to make triangle shape once more as shown in figure.

Hold the paper as in the image and cut like a curve as shown in image

cut a small piece from the bottom to make a hole at the center.

Take the flower and insert the leaf along the string.

At-last a beautiful rose flower with green leaf gets ready

Step 6: Conclusion

If u like this one flower ,make more number of flower and keep it in your favorite flower vase in your living room or drawing room or at your favorite place.I keep it in flower vase in my bedroom.

It will also make as a gift for your loved one.


With my wishes....


Lot of roses.......