Introduction: MSAU

About: I make K'nex guns, specializing in semi-automatic, RBG-Slingshot hybrid systems which i use in most of my guns. Note: I am not responsible in any way for any damage, injury, or death caused by my Instructable…
This is my second Uzi but unlike the earlier one this one is larger and true semi-automatic with a removable magazine but it still uses the same ammo. Really it should be called a MAC 10 but I prefer Uzi. This is an improved version of my earlier MSAU which has the problems rectified.

-Removable magazine
-Doesn't use too many pieces
-Can have optional front grip and stock
-Rather easy to use

-Handle might be uncomfortable for some people
-Can be hard to load at first (But becomes easier with some practice)

More Instructables by me.

Note concerning problems in the earlier version of the MSAU: This is an improved version of my earlier MSAU! This version has the problems fixed! The trigger system is stronger and the magazine holds better to the gun. It still may disconnect from the gun by accident but it has been reinforced and will withstand most conditions except the most violent and strong movements during which the magazine/handle may disconnect from the gun.

Noteconcerning images: Image one shows the MSAU with optional additions. Image two shows the basic version. Image 3 shows version compatible with additions but without them.

Step 1: Main Body: Making the Components

Make the following. Each will be assigned a letter for identification:

Image 1: Make 1. (Part A)
Image 2: Make 1. (Part B)*
Image 3: Make 2. (Part C)
Image 4: Make 1. (Part D)
Image 5: Make 1. (Part E)
Image 6: Make 1. (Part F)
Image 7: Make 1. (Part G)
Image 8: Make 1. (Part H)*
Image 9: Make 2. (Part I)

*-The indicated yellow connector can be replaced with a red connector if you don't plan on adding optional additions.

Step 2: Main Body: Construction

Follow the images:

Image 1: Add white and blue rods to part A where indicated.
Image 2: Attach part B and add white and blue rods.
Image 3: Attach part C, and tan clip, white rod, orange connector, and 2 blue spacers.
Image 4: Add parts D, E, F, G, and add blue spacers and orange connector.
Image 5: Add part C, blue spacers, and an orange connector.
Image 6: Add part H.
Image 7: Add part I, tan clip, and a white rod.
Image 8: Add part I.
Image 9: Add metallic blue clip.

Step 3: Barrel (Part A): Making the Components

Make the following:

Images 1-2: Make 5 of each.
Image 3: Make 6.

Step 4: Barrel (Part A): Construction

Follow the images:

Image 1: Add yellow rods.
Image 2: Add the earlier made parts as shown.
Image 3: Add the earlier made parts but with their places switched.
Image 4: Continue until you end up with this.

Step 5: Barrel (Part B): Making the Components

Make the following:

Image 1: Make 2.
Image 2: Make 1 (make 3 if you don't want attachments).
Image 3: Make 2 (make 0 if you don't want attachments).
Image 4: Make 1.

Step 6: Barrel (Part B): Construction

Follow the images:

Image 1: Add blue rods.
Image 2: Add the earlier made part as shown.
Image 3: Add the earlier made part as shown.
Image 4: Add the earlier made part as shown.
Image 5: Add the earlier made part as shown.
Image 6: Place the earlier made part as shown.
Image 7: Add a metallic blue clip.

Note: If you don't want optional attachments replace the parts added in images 2 and 4 with the other parts you've made.

Step 7: Magazine/Handle: Making the Components

Make the following:

Image 1: Make 2.
Image 2: Make 1.
Image 3: Make 2.
Image 4: Make 1.

Step 8: Magazine/Handle: Construction

Follow the images:

Image 1: Add white rods.
Image 2: Place the earlier made parts as shown.
Image 3: Cover with the earlier made part.
Image 4: Finished magazine with ammo and pin in place.

Step 9: Optional Additions

Vertical Front Grip: You can make a vertical front grip as shown in the images. You should be able to make it from the first two images without the need of written instructions.

Stock: You can also make a stock.
Image 3: Make 2 of these.
Image 4: Add blue rods and orange connectors.
Image 5: Add the other part onto the blue rods and orange connectors.

Step 10: Putting Everything Together

Image 1: Connecting (Barrel Part A) to Barrel (Part B).
Image 2: Connecting Barrel (Part B) to Main Body.
Image 3: Connecting Magazine to Main Body.
Image 4: Connecting Front Grip to Barrel (Part A).
Image 5: Connecting Stock to Main Body.

Step 11: Loading and Firing

This gun loads and fires like most of my guns like my MAR, MAR-2, and MBAR. To load you first remove the magazine and put the pin in place, and then you insert the ammo which is shown in the image below. Then you insert the magazine into the appropriate place until it firmly holds in place. They you push the white rods over the ammo feed out to the side and you take the rubber-bands and hook them on the tip of the barrel and then on the spoke in the back of the gun. Then you push the white rods back into place and pull the pin out of the magazine. To shoot you pull the trigger.

Image 1: Ammo.
Image 2: Loaded. View of barrel end.
Image 3: Loaded. View of ammo feed.
Image 4: Loaded. View of trigger system.

Warning- This may cause harm or injury if misused. Do not point it at people. I am not responsible for damage, injury, or death caused by this instructable.