Introduction: Macadamia Seedlings

About: Hi am kabucho a designer and maker mostly enthusiastic with new eco-friendly design and generally improving the functionality of items
How to grow macadamia seedlings


Macadamia seedlings
Plastic bottle to soak the seeds for 24hrs
Container/pot to germinate your seeds in
Well drained loam soil

Step 1: Soaking the Seeds

For this step you will need a plastic bottle and some water.

Place the seeds in a plastic bottle then add some water (some people use warm water but eventually it cools down so just use cold water)

Leave the seeds to soak in the water for 24-72hours)

Once you observe them and realize they have started to crack a little their ready for propagation

Step 2: Propagation

The most important supply in this step is well drained coarse sand soil

The macadamia seedlings react very well to such soil and sprout really fast especially during sunny season

You don't really need such an elaborate set up mostly a pot or container will do (I just use this since am doing this on a commercial scale)

Water the seedlings daily morning and evening

Step 3: Transfer From Nursery to Polythene/seedling Bags

For this process all you will need is a stick to uproot the seedlings gently from the sand soil and transfer them to the seedling bags

You will also have had to prepare your well drained loam soil mixed with organic manure (🐐 goat 💩 poop works really well)

Make sure the soil doesn't have large pebbles or rocks and stuff as this affect the delicate growing roots

Once you have filled your seedling bag 3/4 way with soil, gently place your seedling and then fill the remaining space with more soil.

Make sure not to cover the seedling completely as this may cause it to rot.

Step 4: