Introduction: Magical Rainbow Cupcakes!

About: Hi! My name is Natalie! I have an awesome husband that lets me be a Play-at-home mom of 3! We homeschool and do projects daily! Check out my blog Doodlecraft for more awesomeness!

Magical Rainbow Cupcakes!

These are so cute and they were a hit at my Unicorn Birthday Party!

I am not good at making pretty food.

I think I could mom made wedding cakes, so it probably runs in my blood. But, I don't like making pretty food. I feel like it's a shame because you just eat it or it goes bad. I'd rather put my efforts in something that will last...that's kind of how I feel.

I do love making simple cupcakes for parties though!

I use a cake mix for the cupcakes.

I can make my own frosting.

I know some tricks...I can't wait to show you!

And, I like simple. These are cute and could be done with store bought cupcakes.

Easy peasy and adorable!

Step 1: You Will Need:

We made a big batch of cupcakes...some chocolate and vanilla.

Also, we got these rainbow sour belts treats at the Dollar Tree!

They aren't there all the time, so if you see them, stock up!

(these extreme Air Heads work too, affiliate link)

I mixed up a big batch of buttercream frosting:

1 cube of soft butter (not melted)

4 cups of powdered sugar

1 tablespoon of vanilla

1 dash salt.

About a tablespoon of milk.

Mix until smooth

Step 2: Frosting Time!

Here's my best trick ever!!!
Flip your frosting piping bag around a tall cup.

Then fold the edges over the edge of the it's so easy to spoon the frosting right into the lined cup!

Then pull it out and squeeze out the fun!

I used a knife to put a coat on the cupcakes...then piped 2 fluffy clouds!

Next, bend and stick the rainbow candy right on top!

Step 3: Taste the Rainbow

Now these adorable cupcakes are ready to enjoy!

Check out my blog Doodlecraft for more awesomeness!

Rainbow Contest 2016

Participated in the
Rainbow Contest 2016

Wedding Contest 2016

Participated in the
Wedding Contest 2016