Introduction: Magnetic Paper Towel Holder

About: Hi y'all. I'm Leviathan17. For more info on Leviathan ,look up Job 41:18-21. I am a Christian, but don't be scared cause I do have a lot of good ideas. I love listening to the wisdom of the older generations. …
Make a paper towel holder out of wood.

Step 1: Required Elements

Your need:
1. Some plywood( I used some scrap plywood laying around.)
2. Magnets
3. Screws
4. A Dowel Rod
5. Screw Gun
6. Mieter Saw.
7. Measuring Tape

My Dad bought one of these and I thought it would be an easy thing to duplicate. So I tried it out.

Step 2: Construction

The dimensions for the bases are 4 x 6 inches.
The sides are 3 x 6 inches.
Just screw the sides to the base and then the dowel rods to the sides. Then take the magnets and screw them to the back of the bases.

Step 3: Done

I was very satisfied with how it turned out. The one sides magnet could have been stronger but it still worked good.

Any comments, questions, ideas or complaints. Let me know!!
Build a Tool Contest 2017

Participated in the
Build a Tool Contest 2017