Introduction: Mahalaxmi,Indian Goddess of Wealth
Mahalaxmi is the goddess of wealth and beauty in Hinduism.
Step 1: Materials Used.
- 1. Clay of different colors.
- 2. Basic Tools for moldings /shaping.
- 3. Talcum Powder for polishing the clay
- 4. Bottle to create structure
- 5. Decorative Accessories like beads for necklace and crown.
Step 2: Basic Structure of Head and Crown
- Take 1 Glass Bottle of square shape
- Apply the clay to create mouth and crown
- With the help of tools give it shape of human face.
- Polish the surface of clay for smoothness.
Step 3: Forehead Design
- Create forehead with the yellow clay
- Design Bindi of any shape on forehead using red clay.
- Apply eyes
- Apply powder for smothness
Step 4: Crown and Jwellery
- Apply beads to crown
- Create necklace of beads
- Beads are pressed into clay to remain intact.
Step 5: Background of Crown
- Create buds and leaves with colorful clays
- Use tools for different design on buds
- Create at least 20 buds for decorating background
Step 6: Buds at the Background
- Attach buds to head to decorate crown
- Use pins to attach buds.
Step 7: Mahalaxmi:- Indian Goddess of Wealth
Mahalaxmi, Goddess of wealth In India.