Introduction: Make Your Own Hacky Sack or FootBag
I just got back into hacking sacking (or whatever the verb is) a few months ago. I wanted to make my own though so that when my old ones get worn out, I dont have to shell out $10 each time for a new one. Ill call this the "beta sack" if you will.
Included are photos and videos of the creation. (Very poor video becuase I have a hoorible camera.)
I beg you to leave some CC if you have any ideas on how to improve this.
Included are photos and videos of the creation. (Very poor video becuase I have a hoorible camera.)
I beg you to leave some CC if you have any ideas on how to improve this.
Step 1: Materials
You will need:
-Sewing Needle
-Scissors (damn I never speel that right)
-Material that you want to make the Hacky Sack out of. I used this felty thing I founf around my house. I suggest using scraps of leather or vynl. But if your like me, then you dont have Leather to spare.
-Sewing Needle
-Scissors (damn I never speel that right)
-Material that you want to make the Hacky Sack out of. I used this felty thing I founf around my house. I suggest using scraps of leather or vynl. But if your like me, then you dont have Leather to spare.
Step 2: Cut Out the First Strip
Well start by cutting out first and second strip of the material. Measure and mark 2 strips that are 3 1/2" long and slightly egg shaped reaching 1 1/4" at the widest section. See below.
Step 3: Prepare the Needle
Double thread your needle by pulling one half through and foling the thread over.
Now tie the end of the thread together. See other photo.
Now tie the end of the thread together. See other photo.
Step 4: Sew Together
Keeping the nice looking side of the material facing inward (will later be flipped out) sew the two strips together as far to the edge of strip as possible. Make the spacing between each stich very very small (so inner filling wont fall out of completed sack)
Step 5: Continue
Repeat steps 2-4 until you have succesfully added your fifth strip.
When you run out of thread after a bit, make a loop and tie it off. Then repeat step 3.
When you run out of thread after a bit, make a loop and tie it off. Then repeat step 3.
Step 6: The Last Strip
Now, the 6th strip is going to your closer. It will be the last strip you sew, and the one that seals the deal. Repeat the steps, but only sew one side. Dont connect the ends yet. After you have sewn the one side, turn the Hacky Sack inside out, (or outside in). This will allow most of the stiches to be unseen. Now you can sew the last side from the outside. Be sure to leave the top and bottom sack open so you can fill it.
Step 7: Fill 'er Up!
Now that most of the sack is sealed, you will have top and the bottom of the sack with small openings. (at least you should) Fold the edges of one of the holes in and sew it shut.
Step 8: Fell 'er Up!
You can use a funnel for this step, but i just used a peice of paper.
Twist the paper up and put it into the top hole as shown below. Then take your filler, in this case it is rice, and fill the Hacky Sack. I dont like mine to be filled all the way so that i can do more technical tricks and delays, but you can fill it up however much you want. Now repeat step 7 with the top of the sack and close the intire thing up.
Have Fun!
Twist the paper up and put it into the top hole as shown below. Then take your filler, in this case it is rice, and fill the Hacky Sack. I dont like mine to be filled all the way so that i can do more technical tricks and delays, but you can fill it up however much you want. Now repeat step 7 with the top of the sack and close the intire thing up.
Have Fun!