Introduction: Make an Event Poster in Canva
Canva is an incredible website that provides you with the tools to create high-quality designs for brochures, posters, marketing ads, event flyers, and more. There are lots of amazing templates available to use or customize as well as the option to build your design from scratch in the Canva editor. The site is well-organized, intuitive, and best of all, free!
Below I have laid out the steps for designing an event poster in Canva. I hope you enjoy it!
Step 1: Sign Up for a Free CANVA Account
1. Go to
2. Click on "Sign up."
3. Enter your e-mail and a password.
Step 2: Type "Event Poster" in the Search Bar
1. This will pull up lots of event poster templates.
2. Select a template.
Step 3: Re-name Your Poster
1. Click on the poster template name
2. Change the name. For example, Knoetgen.Spanish1.Period3
Step 4: Search CANVA Images
1. On the far-left, vertical menu under “Home," select “Photos."
2. Type your topic into the search bar.
3. Left-click on an image you like and drag it to the spot where you want it.
(Note: if you just click on the image, it will automatically appear in the center of your poster. If you want it in a particular place, you have to left-click and drag it)
Step 5: Upload New Images
1. On the far left, vertical menu under “Home,” select “Uploads,” then “Upload an image or video.”
2. Click “Upload from device” or from “Google Drive” depending on where the images are located.
3. Select the image you want from your device or Google Drive and click “Open.” The image will appear in the image box on the left side of your screen.
Step 6: Change Images in the Template Poster
1. Right click one of the images you want to replace.
2. Then select “Delete”
3. Now left click on one of your uploaded images, drag it over to the poster, and click on the spot you want to place it.
4. Repeat as desired.
Step 7: Change the Color of Objects, Symbols, or Background
1. To change the color of an object or symbol (such as these large circles in the background), click on the object or symbol.
2. A color square will appear in the toolbar above the image.
3. Click on the color square.
4. The color menu will appear.
5. Click on the color you would like to use.
To change the background:
1. Left-click anywhere on the poster background where there is not a symbol or text box.
2. follow steps 2-5 above.
Step 8: Edit the Text in the Poster
1. Click on the text you want to edit.
2. The text box around the text will become visible.
3. Left-click anywhere in the text box and then backspace and write your own text in the box.
Step 9: Edit the Text Color
1. Click on the text. The text box will become visible.
2. Click on the A with a line under it in the toolbar. The color menu will appear on the left.
3. Click on the color you want to use.
Step 10: Edit the Font
1. Click on one of the text boxes.
2. To change the font, click on the font dropdown menu on the left side of the toolbar.
3. To change the font size, click on the font size drop-down menu (on the right side of the font menu).
Step 11: Proofread Your Finished Poster!
1. Look over your poster.
2. Check for any typos or errors.
3. If possible, have someone else read it as well!
Step 12: Time to Publish Your Poster!
1. When you are finished with your poster, click “publish” in the upper right-hand corner.
2. I do NOT recommend saving as a pdf (the "suggested" file type), because it can be hard to share the pdf image with others. Instead, save it as a JPG file.
To save as a JPG file:
3. Click the file type dropdown menu.
4. Select “JPG” as the type of file.
5. Then click “Download.”
6. You now have the image saved on your device. If you are using a school computer, make sure to save it to your personal drive or to a USB.
If you need more help, watch this CANVA tutorial video: