Introduction: Making Cuddly Candies: Part 1, Candy Corn

About: I haven't failed, I've just found 1000 ways that don't work.
This is a guide on how to make a candy corn plush! I hand sewed it because a) I needed something to do and b) It looked like a fiddly job. I'm a novice sewer, so it doesn't look that good.

This is the first instructable in my new series, Making Cuddly Candies!

You will need:
1. Some sewing skills,
2. Thread, yellow, orange and white,
3. Fibre filling, to make it a plush,
4. Felt, the same colours as the thread,
5. Fabric markers, black to draw on the eyes,
6. A plan.

Step 1: The Plan

As I have pictured, my plan was basically a triangle, 15cm high and 5 cm for each section. The order, as you know is, yellow at the bottom, orange in the middle and a white tip. I didn't actually have a plan for you guys to look at, so you can make it as tall or as scalene or a equalateral as you like. Then divide that into three parts. Get your felt together and you are ready to cut!

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Step 2: Cut It Out

I placed my paper plan on top of my felt, then put pins in where the corners were. Every time I took out a pin I would place my finger on that spot under the felt. I then marked that with fabric chalk. Then I used a ruler to join the dots. After doing that on each colour of felt, with the different shapes, fold over the felt and cut it out. We fold over the felt so we have two identical shapes.

Step 3: Sew It All Up!

Sew the peices together. Each peice a size bigger than the one before it. For example when sewing the white and orange peice together, face them inwards and sew along the joining line, as pictured. Once you have two triangles, each with the three colours, face the two triangles together and sew along the two long sides. Now turn it inside out and fill it with the fibre filling. I'm still not sure quite how I did it, but now sew up the bottom. Now for the face! Draw on any face you like! I did an anime style, closed eyes design. You could even do one face for each side!
Now you're finished! Hope you liked my instructable!