Introduction: Maple Syrup - Cedar Plank Salmon - Big Green Egg/Kamado Grill
This Instrutable is another one of my favorite meal to make on my BGE clone. Cedar plank salmon with maple syrup glaze and Sugar Maple smoking wood chips. Let me know what you think. Check out the youtube video for more details on the salmon bbq.
Step 1: Prepare the Salmon
Remove 2 lbs of fresh fillet salmon and do a quick rinse with cold water. Cut the fillet into two 1 lb pieces.
Step 2: Prepare the Marinate
For the marinate, I use the following:
1/4 cup of light soy sauce
1/4 cup of lemon juice
1/2 cub packed of brown sugar
1/4 cup of vegetable oil
2 tbsp. of chop garlic
Mixed all the ingredient together in a medium size bowl or dumped them in the Ziploc bag directly. Let the salmon marinate for 2 to 4 hours in the fridge.
Step 3: Soak the The Cedar Planks
I use two pieces of natural cedar planks for BBQ. Make sure you buy them from the BBQ isles and not in the lumber section of the hardware store. Let the cedar planks submerged in water for about an hour before cooking.
Next I soak about two handfuls of Sugar Maple wood chips for about 1/2 hours or longer.
Step 4: Prepare the Kamado Cooker/BGE
Clean off all the old charcoal from the last cooking, and fill the fire box with about 1/3 full with lump hardwood charcoals. To start the charcoal, I use 3 small ZIP firestarters to get the charcoal started.
Step 5: Cook at 350F
Once the cooker has reached max temperature of 500F to 600F, I dial down the top and bottom vent to about 1/4" to 1/2" and maintain the cooking temperature at 350F.
Step 6: Transfer Salmon Onto Cedar Planks
Remove the marinated salmon from the Ziploc bag and transfer to the cedar planks. Let the salmon rest at room temperature for a few minutes.
I added a simple Canadian maple syrup and butter on the salmon and sprinkled some dry parsley over.
Place the salmon over the plate setter and cooking grades to cook in 350F for 20 to 30 min or until the meat is flakey.
Add in the Sugar Maple wood chips through the gaps in the cooking grates and into the charcoal for the smoky flavor.
Step 7: Done!!
The salmon should be ready in 20 to 30 minutes. Remove from the cooker and transfer over to a metal plate. Brush on the remaining maple syrup and butter glaze (liberally) over the cooked salmon and cover with aluminum foil. Let the salmon rest for 10 to 15 minutes and serve with rice.