Introduction: Mapped Lid for Bird Feeder

I had recently made a bird feeder for the garden using timber left over from a fencing project. The table was alright but needed a cover to keep the food dry and also allow the birds to enter and feed.

The only lid I could find that was about the right size was a plastic top cover from a water butt, this was OK but looked very bland and out of keeping with the table.

The solution was to jazz it up a bit by covering the plastic over.

Step 1: Materials

The plastic water butt lid

An old road atlas

A bucket

A paint brush

Water soluble PVA adhesive

Spray varnish

Step 2:

The map book pages are torn out into irregular pieces.

The torn pieces are then put into a bucket of water to soak for 15 minutes.

Step 3: Applying Adhesive

The plastic lid is given a brushed on coat of PVA adhesive.

Step 4: Apply the Map Pieces

The map pieces were layered randomly onto the plastic lid with plenty of overlap.

A few well known place names were picked out with stuck on labels for added interest.

Once thoroughly dried, a coat of varnish was sprayed over all the mapped area to provide some water proofing.

Step 5: The Finished Mapped Cover

Once the varnish had dried, the cover was assembled onto the bird feeder.

Now the birds can eat and plan their flights at the same time!

Maps Challenge

Participated in the
Maps Challenge