Master SwordsBy thesuperninja2 in CraftCostumes & Cosplay1,59213Here are some cool master swords that i like. Enjoy!Here are some cool master swords that i like. Enjoy!How to Make: a Wooden Master Swordby OrangeSpy121 in Costumes & CosplayHow to Make a Wooden Legend of Zelda Master Swordby ramgarden in WoodworkingLink's Master Sword From the Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriorsby Namisuke in Costumes & CosplayHow to Make the Master Sword - Zelda: Ocarina of Timeby Plastic Apprentice in Costumes & CosplayForging Links Master Sword - Twilight Princess Versionby Jonny1983 in WoodworkingConvention Safe Master Swordby ValenProps in Costumes & Cosplay