Introduction: Mentai Aglio Olio (Roe Pasta)

About: Hi there, I was named Gia (지아) by my grandpa meaning "a person who knows beauty". With that said, I have been spending most of my time figuring out what is beauty in life. I am originally from Seoul, S.Korea,…

Step 1: What You Need

Mentai Aglio Olio.
This is japanese style home cooking pasta.
Mentai is preserved pollock roe.
You can find easily in Japanese market or Korean market.

You will need following::
One lump of mentai
Chopped green onions
1Ts butter

So simple!

Step 2: Mentai!

Cut it in half, rake roes out carefully with knife.

Step 3: Pasta!

Boil water, add little bit of salt and olive oil when water is ready.
Put Spaghetti into the water, boil about 8minutes.
Best result can be followed by the your spaghetti box instruction.

Step 4: Saute!

Heat the pan and melt the butter.
Put Mentai and green onion on the pan.
Saute them quickly then add pasta saute all together.

Step 5: Serve!

Serve it with preserved plum.
Put some green onions on top.

Step 6: Enjoy!

Enjoy your Mentai aglio olio

Fast and simple to make.
Perfact recipe when you want something new and fun!!