Introduction: Metallic Mini Pokemon Cloyster

About: A fellow hobbyist venturing into creative ideas

I chose to create this piece of Cloyster because of the similarity in human behavior to a Cloyster, I am not about to throw an Ice Beam but rather, humans are prone to close-up and open-up randomly.

And the metal part was required because of the heaviness and the luster and shine of the Pokemon is reflected and it can be used as a cool paper-weight or a show-piece.

I have used metal bottle caps, and spare parts like nuts and bolts and a decorative ball to create this shape.


  1. Bottle - caps = 4, they should be metallic (ideally coke bottle cap) in order to have that frill-shape at the edges.
  2. Paint = Violet, Blue, Black.
  3. Paper pieces = draw eyes and mouth with a pen.
  4. Newspaper for protection of surfaces from paint.
  5. Gloss Varnish = That shine for better visibility.
  6. Nuts and bolts = I have used 1 large nut which is attached above the face, 2 medium sized nuts, 2 small bolts and 2 small-sized nuts.
  7. Decorative Ball = I have used a small decorative ball for the face.
  8. Strong glue = I have used a Fevikwik.
  9. Reference image of cloyster from Google

Step 1: Attach the Ball in Between the Two Caps

  1. Attach the ball with glue in between the two caps as well as a nut in right above the face.

Step 2: Attach the Other Two Caps for a Second Layer.

  1. Glue the second layer of bottle caps to the outer surface of first layer.

Step 3: Attach Spikes.

  1. Glue the screws and bolts to the outer side of the outer layer in the shape of Cloyster. Refer Cloyster image from Google.
  2. I have attached the two large ones at the upper sides, the small ones on the bottom corners and the bolts in between.

Step 4: Paint!

  1. The face is in black color.
  2. All the outer covering including spikes are in blue-violet color.

Step 5: Go Cloyster!

Use Ice Beam on Charizard!

Big and Small Contest

This is an entry in the
Big and Small Contest