Introduction: Mickey Mouse 3D Printed Pot

Greetings! This pot was designed and printed with the child friendly factor in mind. It's simple in design, so let's get started.

Step 1: Getting Started

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Create a new design

Edit the grid from millimeters to inches

Drag a cylinder onto the work plane

Manipulate the length and width to preference ( I used 4.042" x 3.879")

Adjust the height to preference ( I used 2")

The sides, bevel, and segments were adjusted as well

Step 2: Duplicate

Duplicate the cylinder and turn it into a hole. Adjust the length and width to preference (I used 3.713" x 3.611")

Adjust the hole height accordingly with the cylinder. (I used 1.5" for a .5" thick base)

Step 3: More Cylinders

Drag a cylinder onto the work plane.

Move the cylinder (ear) into the other cylinder (head)

Adjust the length and width to preference ( I used 2.279" x 2.398")

Adjust the height to preference (I used 2")

Duplicate and move the other cylinder (ear) into the other cylinder (head)

Duplicate and turn the cylinder into a hole

Adjust the length and width to preference (I used 1.943" x 2.035")

Adjust the hole height accordingly with the cylinder (I used 1.5" for a .5" thick base)

Duplicate the hole and drag it into the other cylinder (ear)

Step 4: Group

All the shapes in the work plane are separate objects. Make sure all 6 shapes are selected and click Group. This will turn all the shapes into one object.

Step 5: Finished Product

I planted succulents in the pot and they are very eye pleasing.