Introduction: Arithme-sticks

Greetings! I wanted a visual representation of simple math equations for learners new to the subject. Each number is represented by a stick or sticks along with numbers and signs and an equation can be created.


3D printer

Step 1: Sticks

Login or create an account to Tinkercad.

Create new design

Drag a cylinder into the work plane

Adjust the measurements so the cylinder is 3" in length, .2" in width, and .25" in height

Select the stick and copy and paste as many duplicates as you wish. You'll need quite a few for multiplication though.

Step 2: Numbers and Signs

Create a new design

Select Text and numbers from the menu on the right

Locate the numbers and drag 0 to 9 on the work plane

Adjust the measurements so each number is 1" in length, 1" in width, .25" in height

For the plus sign, two letter t's were grouped together

Drag two letter t's on the work plane and make each the length .5" the width 1", the height .25"

Rotate the one t 180 degrees and place it against the other t, select both t's and group

The minus and equals sign were created by dragging three of the letter I on the work plane

Adjust the measurements so each letter I is 1" in length, 1" in width, .25" in height

The division sign symbol was created with the letter I and two cylinders

Adjust the measurements so the letter I is 1" in length, .36" in width, .25" in height

Adjust the measurements so both cylinders are .478" in length, .32" in width, .25" in height

Move the cylinders against the letter I and group

The multiplication sign was created by dragging the letter X on the work plane

Adjust the measurements so the letter X is 1" in length, 1" in width, .25" in height

Print out the designs on a 3D printer.

Step 3: Final Product

All of the sticks, numbers, and signs printed out great! Have fun making equations!

Made with Math Contest

Participated in the
Made with Math Contest