Introduction: Micro Knex Gun

About: I am a mostly person who lives on his pc. some dasy i will be on a pc games or guild wars. and others i will be checking out new instructables here.
This is my first instructable so I decided to start small; A micro knex gun that will fire the tiny green rods or BB pellets.

Can I just say to people that this gun is not meant to fire far or hurt - it is just a very lightweight and small stealth gun.

Step 1: Parts

you will need:

1 rubber band
1 yellow connector
2 white connectors
3 orange connectors(mine are dark brown)
1 grey connector
3 grey rods
2 yellow rods(mine are dark grey)
1 blue rod
Any form of projectile(I have 3 green and 1 black little rods)

Step 2: The Frame

don't even think about asking for writen instructions,any one can do this step!

Step 3: The Main Body

once again just build what you see in the picture.

Step 4: Other Parts

this is the pin and trigger

Step 5: Assembly

Push the body onto the frame.
Place the trigger on the left sticking out bit if you are firing from your left hand or on the right if you are using your right hand.
Then slide the white piece up the frame to hold the trigger in.

Step 6: Last Step

Pull the trigger to the side and slide the firing pin in the back of the gun.
Stretch the elastic band from one brown connector to the firing pin then to the other one.

Step 7: Loading and Firing

To load:
Pull the pin back and the trigger will fall in to place.
Put a green rod into the hole at the front of the gun.

To fire:
Rest the two yellow rods in the palm of your hand,lift the trigger with your tumb and the firing pin will hit the greenrod firing it silently out the end of the gun.

Step 8: My Next Gun

what do you think of my knex missile luancher