Introduction: Milk Box Paper Wallet

About: Well I'm not a pro in any way, but I just love to make things of all kinds. I like rock and epic music, good food, norse mythology, biking, hiking, larping and so on... But there's one nemesis - Math. Yet I st…
So.. I failed my exam (only 2 people out of 80 passed, so you can imagine it was hard one) and wanted to cheer up myself a little so I made this milk box wallet. It's really easy ad quick and it's fun to make it. It could be a great weekend project for kids! :)

You will need:

- an empty milk box (or juice or whatever)
- snaps and hammer
- pen
- scissors


- wash out the box
- cut off the upper and lower part
- cut a cover of the wallet (if you don't know, what I mean, just follow the photos)
- fold in the sides of the wallet
- then fold it in half
- make two holes
- add snaps

- insert some money

and you're ready to go!

Hope you guys like it!
I'll be glad for comments