Introduction: Minecraft Auto-Miner!

About: Person who likes to make things

Are you in need of lots of resources, but can't spend tons of time strip-mining? Do you want a hole to bedrock for your base? Well, I have the perfect solution for you: the TNT Auto Miner!

Using a simple to build redstone clock and triple TNT dispensers, this will give you a really big pit! (watch out for the lag though! )


Stone blocks

3 dispensers

3 stacks of TNT

A lever

Redstone dust

a comparator

Step 1: Foundation

Build up 8 blocks with the stone blocks. Then add 3 dispensers on the sides . Build a 2x2 square off centered to one of the sides. The foundation is complete!

Step 2: Redstone Clock

Add a comparator to one of the sides, then encircle it with redstone dust. Turn the comparator on ( right click) and connect each dispenser to the redstone circuit.

Put a block behind the comparator and add a lever on top.

Step 3: Load the Miner

Fill up every dispenser with at least a stack of TNT, as this thing eats through it like no tomorrow.

Step 4: The End

Flip the lever and watch as the miner eats through just about anything!

This thing will find lots of ores and other caves too!