Introduction: Minecraft Simple Starter Kit for Survival Players
Hello everyone! Today I will show you a guide for people who want to start survival worlds!
Step 1: Grabbing Some Wood
First you must take 3 pieces of wood from a beautiful tree. Don't take more or you'll be having too much wood.
Step 2: Crafting
First you must make a crafting table a pair of sticks and save the left over wood.
Step 3: Making Items!
Last make the wood and sticks out of a wooden axe and Pickaxe so you start mining and making wood!
Step 4: Shoutouts
I am starting shootouts to the people who told me to make this and inspired me to make it. The shoutout goes to: ZiggZaggZebra! She does al lot of survival worlds so she inspired me. You can be inspire me next time so just leave me comment and like!