Introduction: Minecraft Jeb Floor

Here is my creation, a vertical jeb door, or a jeb floor, i know a lot of you minecrafters have seen the minecraft wiki but never saw a jeb floor so i decided to give it to you, a jeb floor, perfect for traps or secret entrances; same functions as a jeb door just in the floor.

Step 1: Pictures

i was not planning on making an instructable on this when i made it so these are not instruction pictures just a base model to help with the creation but they are very thorough because they were taken so i can remake the jeb floor at a later time when i need to but here are the pictures so you can recreate it

Step 2: Enjoy and Customize

Now you just need to enjoy customizing your trap or entrance and make it ready to secretly trap entities or make a secret base entrance also the zip here is just so you can easily download all the pictures at once if you want

END NOTE: i am sorry this was not to good of an instructable but this was my first one and i was trying to show people my jeb floor so that you all could have more fun in minecraft.

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