Introduction: Mini Buckyball Gun (Does Not Shoot)
Step 1: Hexagons
Take 18 buckyballs and wrap them around into a hexagon. You are going to make 3 of these.
Step 2: More Hexagons
Take 19 buckyballs and wrap them around into a hexagon so that the middle hole is filled. You are going to make 3 of these as well.
Step 3: Making the Outline
Arrange your hexagons together like so with the open-middle hexagons in the center and the closed-middle hexagons on the edges.
Step 4: Adjusting
Take out the 3 buckyballs that were taken out from the picture. This will make the trigger. Do this for both sides.
Step 5: Adjusting Pt. 2
Take out part of the bottom layer like in the picture. This will make the handle more slim and not as bulky.
Step 6: Adjusting Pt. 3
Take 5 buckyballs and add them to the top of the outline. This will make the barrel longer and more like a gun. This is what the overall layout will look like.
Step 7: Almost Done
Fold the outline in half like in the picture.
Step 8: You Are Finished
There you go. You have made a buckyball gun.