Introduction: Mini LightSaber (Under $4)

This project will make you a Mini LightSaber, for under $4. It is very easy, and can be completed in 5-10 mins.


  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Markers/ Paint (Optional)
  • scrap of white paper

Step 1: Gather Materials

You can go to the Dollar Tree to get all of this stuff.

You will need:

  • A Laser Pointer
  • Scissors
  • Electrical Tape (Black)
  • Straws (any kind)

Step 2: Align the Straw With the Laser Pointer As Shown.

Step 3: Tape the Two Pieces Together.

Use the Electrical Tape to tape the Straw to the Laser Pointer.

Step 4: Put the Scrap of Paper in the Top of the Straw.

Crumble the paper into a small ball, and make sure it fits into the straw. Or, you can cover the top with electrical tape. Personally, I chose the tape.

Step 5: Decorate and Make It Your Own.

Use markers, paint, tape, glue and other things to decorate your own LightSaber.

Step 6: Show It Off.

Choose the Dark Side or the Light Side by pressing the two different buttons.