Introduction: Mini Stair Set

This is a mini stair set used for anything you would like, it could be for mini structures or playsets. I used it for a fingerboard obstacle.


These are the tools your gonna need. A hot glue gun, wood, laser cutter, and a chromebook.

Step 1: Make Model

First get your measurement for the stair set you wanna make. Then your gonna wanna go onto your chromebook and make the dimensions of the pieces of wood you wanna make , you can make them any size you want. Then you upload them to your laser cutter and let it cut.

Step 2: Wood

Depending on how many stairs you want, you will need to cut that amount of stairs but doubled into the wood slabs.

Step 3: Assemble

Now that you have the pieces of wood from the laser cutter, you wanna assemble it to your liking and you wanna hot glue everything into place.

Step 4: Decorate and Use

Once your done with assembly, and everything is glued into place you can decorate it and paint it to however you want and have fun.