Introduction: Mmm, Baguette, Baguette
Well, today I am gonna show you how to make a super-duper cool baguette bag with a street banner if you do not give a smoke about sewing and making things at all (spoiler: you will need to sew).
Street banner (min 2 of 77cm x 35cm),
Zipper (75 cm),
Sling with a fastener (min 1 m),
More slings to six the edges of the bag.
Step 1: Cutting the Banners
You will need 2 banners 77 x 33 cm. Cut each of them into two parts (77 x 16,5 cm). Try to find a big banner with some words or pictures. Why we take 77 x 33 cm: a 65 cm baguette will feel comfortable.
Step 2: Sewing a Zipper
Now you need to put a zipper between two edges of the banner parts. I also used some paper sticky tape to fix the position of the zipper before sewing it. It takes time but this will help you not to throw away your materials.
Step 3: Adding More Parts to the Zipper
Now do the same with the rest two parts of the banner. Remember to match the words or the pictures (if you have ones) on the banner so that you get the completed image in the end.
Step 4: Sewing the Slings
Sew the slings on the inner part of the bag, so you will not have any defected parts on the outer side. You can also add a sling with a fastener to carry a bag on your back.
And... that is all, folks!