Introduction: Modified ABOK 783

Makes an attractive zipper pull or lanyard knot

Step 1:

Tie an overhand knot forming a loop.

Step 2:

Tie a second overhand knot around the loop.

Step 3:


In the next two steps bring end A around the loop going

1. Under to the left and up through the bight

2. Over to the right and down through the bight back to starting point.

Step 4:

Under, Up.

Step 5:

Over, Down.

Step 6:


In the next two steps bring B around the loop going

1. Over to the right and down through the bight

2. Under to the left up through the bight back to the starting point.

Step 7:

Over, Down.

Step 8:

Under, Up.

Step 9:

Bring A through bight a.

Step 10:

Bring B through bight b.

Step 11:

Tighten slowly. You may have to nudge a bight into place so the bights line up as shown.