Introduction: Money Printing System (MPS) Made of Cardboard

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We have a problem: we have got little money.

Idea! We can make a Money Printer machine!

How to make a Money Printing System (MPS) from cardboard. You can learn to make it at home by yourself.

Step 1: We Must Have...

  • Cardboard
  • 3D Printer to create parts of the mechanism
  • Polyethylene garbage bag
  • Tools
  • Paper

Step 2: Designing Mechanical Parts for 3D Printing

  • Ratchet-and-pawl mechanism
  • "no-paper" locking mechanism (left)
  • "no-paper" locking mechanism (right)

Download the STL files.

Step 3: Assembly of the Device

  • cut out the side walls of device
  • cut the rollers
  • cut the fixers of rollers
  • put the rollers and fixers into the side walls of device

look at the pictures...

Step 4: Embed the Tape...

  • cut the tape from polyethylene bag
  • using scotch-tape, glue the tape to the upper and lower roller diagonally

look at the picture...

Step 5: Create a Locking Mechanism...

  • insert plastic parts of locking mechanism (their must printed) into the side walls of device
  • cut cardboard parts of mechanism and glue them to plastic parts

look at the picture...

Step 6: Create a Locking Mechanism of Backward Rotation...

  • Glue the ratchet to the lower roller
  • Glue the holder of pawl over ratchet

look at the pictures...

Step 7: Make a Cover and a Handle...

  • Making the cover of the device from cardboard
  • Cut two circles of cardboard
  • Glue the circles to lower roller as handle

look at the pictures...

Step 8: Test...

  • Roll the bank note under the tape of upper roller
  • Cover the device the cardboard cover
  • Prepare a paper tape
  • Insert the paper tape into device and turn the handle of mechanism

look at the pictures...

The device must give you much money!

The more paper, the more money!

You can follow the video instruction for easy

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