Introduction: Mr Noisy Hot Potato
This build is quite easy to test with a moderate amount of parts
The main aim is to recreate the game "hot potato", where u have to keep the ball moving by throwing it to the fellow participants first one who drops it or make the ball scream for 5 notes u lose.
This idea also allows for expansion with more lights and such.
Arduino UNO
Resistors that go with the LEDs of your own choosing mine where simple red, yellow and gree
Kleine Speaker - 4Ω 3W, Store Link:
ADXL345 Digitale 3-axis Accelerometer Module V2, Store Link:
Adafruit Mono 2.5W Class D Audio Amplifier - PAM8302, Store Link:
Step 1: Acquire Parts
I laser printed a box for inside a basketball I had laying around but u can make of your own casing.
I used a:
Arduino UNO
Resistors that go with the LEDs of your own choosing mine where simple red, yellow and green
Kleine Speaker - 4Ω 3W, Store Link:
ADXL345 Digitale 3-axis Accelerometer Module V2, Store Link:
Adafruit Mono 2.5W Class D Audio Amplifier - PAM8302, Store Link:
and a power bank that u don't mind using or losing.
Step 2: Prototype Draw and Solder
after making a Prototype with a small speaker, me and my friend made the code for the interface between sensors. The code is included in this step (its the sketch or in plain text)
drew the schematics for what I had to solder and proceeded soldered most of the things u need to know are in the photos.
Also, my way of soldering was not the most space-efficient so try to put the pins on the other side.
Step 3: Making the Case
Honestly, u can make the case out of anything as long as u have a box to put the Arduino in and a sphere to put the box in and you are set.
u will need a cube of around 10~12 cm on all sides depending on how well u managed to solder it.
Test it before u put Spray foam in to fill in the gaps.
Step 4: Done
if everything went well (praise murphy) u should be ready to start this throwing this Foamball that could look like a potato at your friends or innocent bystanders (don't) forcing them to participate in your game of hot potato.