Introduction: Mr Penguin / Owl (a 2 in 1 Plushie)

Mr Penguin / Owl is A Cute Fluffy Stuffed Toy that is actually a 2 in 1 plushie .

We will Learn Today How to make it from start to End step by step Let's Start with The Materials and Tools Needed . You will be amazed How simple it's Create your own in Couple Hours Let's Begin.

(I am Not A Native English Speaker and this is My First Tutorial On :D So Please Bear with me My English may not be very Accurate)

Step 1: Materials and Tools Needed

1- Four Pieces of Fluffy Fabric ( Prefered if the Fabric is stretchable ) You Can Pick Any Colours You Want and Volla You Get Mr Chicken / Parrot :D

2- Sewing Needle and Thread

3- Scissors

4 -Stuufing material (Cotton)

5- Hot Glue Gun

6- 2 Buttons (Owl's eye) and 2 Plastic Eyes from an old toy (Penguin's Eyes)

You will also Need A plusher and White Chalk (they aren't essential but will make the toy better )

Step 2: Sewing the Penguin's Body

We Will Start with The Penguin Part :

Get the Blue Piece Of Fabric and Draw the outline with White chalk then Cut 2 identical parts with the scissors these will be the Body then Sew the Edges with near Stitches

Step 3: Sewing the Owl's Body

The Same we Did with the Penguin Part but now with the Brown Piece and draw the outline with White chalk using the blue Piece as a reference then Cut 2 identical Pieces with the scissors these will be the Body then Sew the Edges with near Stitches

Step 4: The Stuffing

Now Start Stuffing the Penguin with Cotton Attach it to the body with hot glue till the both sides of the penguin are covered then Pull the owl fabric over the stuffing till it reaches the end and start Stitching the lower edges of the brown and blue fabrics together (Take Care to only stiches the sides all around and keep the opening to be able to flip it later)

Step 5: Finishing the Penguin

1- Get the White Piece And Cut it to Make the Tummy for the Penguin

2- Sew it to the Penguin's Body (Again take Care to only take Near and Shallow stitches in the first layer only not all through to be able to flip the Toy Later)

3- Attach the eyes With Hot Glue Gun

4- Get The Orange Fabric , Fold it and Cut a Semi-Circular shape as in the picture stitch the sides except for one to allow stuffing then close the stitches after stuffing the Penguin's Peak and sew it to the body

Now we have Finished the Penguin Flip it to Complete the Owl Part

Step 6: Finishing the Owl

1- Again like the Penguin , Get the White Piece And Cut it to Make the Tummy for the Owl.

2- Sew it to the Owl's Body (Again take Care to only take Near and Shallow stitches in the first layer only not all through to be able to flip the Toy Later)

3- Cut the a Circle with the fabric folded and take care to keep the 2 Circles ( resulting from Cutting it Folded ) attached

3- Sew the 2 Buttons to the Circles to Complete the Eyes and Sew it all to the body

4- Cut Linear Brown Piece to make the Peak fold only on side and leave the other side free then sew it between the Eyes

5- Decorating the Owl :

a) Cut three Linear Piece from the Brown Fabric and sew them over the Tummy to make the Feathers .

b) Use the plusher to paint his cheeks to make him even Cutter :D .

Now we have Finished the Penguin Flip it to Complete the Owl Part and to make sure all the stitches are correct and not interfering.

Step 7: All Done :D

Mr Penguin / Owl is Ready Now Congratualtions You made it to the End

You will never get bored from flipping it ask me :D

Hope you Enjoyed it.

Sew Warm Contest 2018

Participated in the
Sew Warm Contest 2018

First Time Author Contest 2018

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First Time Author Contest 2018