Introduction: Mukkutti Leaf Pudding (Biophytum Sensitivum)

About: Bascially I am a Civil Engineer But I Love ❤️ To Make Electronics Stuff More Than Civil Things So I Made This Instructable Page To Show Some Things Which I Am Making To You Folks Out There Who Are Also Tech En…

Here Iam Introducing You A New Pudding Which is More Tasty & Also Healthy .. Moreover This Pudding Can Be Served As A Sweet After Your Breakfast , Lunch , Dinner . Especially This Dish Would Be Loved By Your Kids If You Make This To Them , We People Are More Likely Adapting Things From Our Ancient Or Medivial People Who Is More Found Of Medicinal Plants Which Was Good For Us , But Now Lately All The Adaptations Has Been Changed, And People Are More Deliberately Found Of Fast Food And All Tinned Food Not Looking After Our Health , This Need To Be Changed By Considering This in Mind I Came Up With A PUDDING Which Would Be Loved By Every One With Out Any Age Limit ... Hope You Try My Pudding Done With The Talking Let Get Into It


Mukkuttii Leaf (Biophytum sensitivum)


Rice Flour 200 Gms

Cashew nut ( For Decoration)

Water 1 Cup

Step 2: Making Procedure

Start The Make By Cleaning The Mukkutti Leaf Throughly By Water And Also Add A Pinch Of Salt Into The Water To Clean It Properly

After That We Need To Crush The Jaggery Into Small Pieces For That Iam Utilising The Help Of A Stone Crusher Which Can Be Buyed From Your Local Kitchen Supplies Shop , Crush The Jagggery Into Small Mix , It You Like More Sweet You Can Add 3 Teaspoons Of Sugar Into The Mix To Make It More Sweety

Step 3:

Add The Crushed Jaggery Into A Bowl ,Then Add Water To The Mix 3 Cup Of Water Should Work But Not More Than That . The Jaggery Need To Drown In Water That's What We Need To Keep In Mind

Then Place The Pan In Stove And Cook The jaggery Mix For Like 10 Minutes To Melt The jaggery Into Water , Carefully Stir The Mix Throughly So That The Jaggery Don't Stick To The Pan When It Is Heating ..

Step 4:

Take The Mukkutti Leaf And Crush Them With A Mixer Well To Make It Into A Paste Easily Add Some Water , Not More Than To A Watery Mix . Then Add The Mix Into To The Jaggery Mix Which We Have Prepared In The Previous Step

After That Mix Well To Get A Uniform Mixture , After That Wait For 5 minutes. Then Add The Rice Flour Into The Mix & Mix Well Constantly While Adding The Flour To Avoid Big Chunks Of Rice Flour Into The Mix Stir Properly For 2 Minutes To Get A Constant Mixture . After That Wait For Another 5 Minutes To Set The Mix

Step 5: Cooking Time

Cook The Mix For Around 10 Minutes , The Mix Need To Turn Into A Slimy Paste Form , Stir The Mixture Until It Forms Into The Required Form . Then Turn Off The Stove When It Reaches The Right Consistency Don't Cook The Mix More Than 10 Minutes It Will Change The Taste Of The Mix

Pour The Mix Into A Glass Bowl Or Any Other Ceramic Bowl According To Your Need

Step 6: Freezing...🥶

Decorate The Mix With Crushed Cashew Nuts Or Anything You Can Have

Place The Mixture Into The Refrigerator For Around 10 - 20 Minutes For Freezing

Make Sure To Set The Refrigerator Into Maximum Low Temperature Possible

Step 7: Serving the Pudding

After Freezing For About 20 Minutes You Can Straight Away Have The Pudding , Also If You Need You Can Decorate The Pudding According To Your Visual Perspective

This Is How You Can Make A Healthy Pudding Under 1 hour Hope You Try It .....

Stay Healthy Stay Safe ...... Happy Cooking

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