Introduction: Mural W Shape Library

I like books about design, architecture, Diy, and I have now a lot of them but they are spread in different places and since I do not see them I do not read them often.

After my chidren left home, I decided to use one of the rooms and I thought it was an opportunity to collect my books and have them available.

I decided to make a library a little original and makes best use of the available wall.


I started to draw some sketches, and chosed one project: W shape library, decided dimensions, and I defined the materials needed

I presented the project on my Web Site in French:

Step 1: Cut the Pieces

The cuts are easy thanks to the miter saw.

Step 2: Preparing the Grooves

For the assembly, I used a new technique for me, biscuit joints. I bought a cheap biscuit jointer at Lidl.

The grooves milling is a little long to do but this allows to have solid connections because the lamella allows a shear and discrete connection. I managed to master the bicuit jointer, but you have to think and be methodical to keep the reference face.

Step 3: Assembly, Bonding

For assembly, you have to think about the sequence, be fast enough, and have enough clamps.... In the end it went well and the links are quite clean.

Step 4: Metal Reinforcements

Even if I have confidence in the collage, as books are heavy, I reinforced the connections with squares, or tees metal plates.

To fix the shelf on the wall, I used sheet metal corners, which I drilled to put several screws.

I have installed a corner in each box to distribute the effort on the plaster wall which is not very strong.

Step 5: Varnish

For the varnish, my wife is better than me and she took the job.

Step 6: Installation

With some ... books...under the furniture I could have installed the library alone, but Jeremie the older son and by the way former occupant of the room helped me. 

Well, it’s fixed, and solid, I think it fits the wall quite well.

Ready to fill it.

Books and Bookshelves Contest

This is an entry in the
Books and Bookshelves Contest