Introduction: Music Stand Light

About: Don't try and take my guns. At least for a couple days: i'm pmsing

Step 1: Materials

What you'll need is
1- 1aa battery case/adapter
2- 1 clothespin
3- 1 LED light from a toy flashlight
4- 1 toggle or slide switch
5- wires and a soldering gun

Step 2: Soldering

Solder 2 insulated thin wires to the adapter, switch of your choice and light test to see if it works if not then resolder and try again

Step 3: Clothespin

So now you should have a compact light and a leftover clothespin if you want a stand light you will now super glue the clothespin to the back of the battery adapter and voila you have a stand light!! Just clip on to music stand and let it shine!