Introduction: My Robot Tank

Check out my cool new toy guys,
I (a high school student) created this magnificent monster from scratch, that's right from scratch (all parts were designed and created specifically for this project -- and the instructables contest).

At first I designed 3d models and created blueprints of the chassis and the track system. Soon I created a die for the gears and track chain. After each piece was put together, I ran into a problem with the driving mechanism; the flange broke. Nevertheless, I enhanced my designs and fixed the major issues.  

The features of my robot include:
Two windshield wiper motors (powered by a 12v 5ah SLA battery) driving two gears as a support bar causes the back gears to follow the rotation
a wireless spy camera in the front --- footage viewed on TV with its transmitter
a distance sensor in the front
a buzzer on the back (I don't know why?)
lights for cosmetics
Two servo switches (operating the motion of the motors) that are controlled with a futaba (6 channel) RC receiver.
The distance sensor and the buzzer are operated with a EZ-Robot Bluetooth controller --- I have often used this instead of the RC controller --- I can control more things and can use a PC gaming joystick (connected to my laptop) to operate it. 

Sorry that the pictures with the cosmetics are missing but I currently do not have the project on me, I will update images as soon as possible.

Here are some links of the videos of the project (construction and designing)

Tank Gear Motion

Chassis Model

Tank 3D Model

Testing The Switches

Checking Chain for Problem 

Testing The Spacer

Checking New Metal Flange

Everything Put Together

Here is the link to download all of my 3d models

Please feel free to explore with my designs and provide any tips --- if you wish to recreate my project, check out my step by step version of this ---- please vote for me in the remote control contest, battery powered contest, and toy contest. Any major prizes will be used in the future by engineers in the making (tech students at my school).

Every vote counts, please share this thread with others.