Introduction: Nail Polish Organizer

About: Hey guys! Please be sure to check out and vote for my instructibles, "Nail polish organizer" and "Cactus terrerium".
I hope you like this instructible! Please vote for me!!!

Step 1: Cut the Sides Off of a Cardboard Box

Step 2: Cut Both of the Smaller Sides Off of the Box

Step 3: Take Duct Tape and Tape Both of the Smaller Halves Together and Cover the Rest of the Cardboard That's Showing

Step 4: Then, Cover Both of the Bigger Strips of Cardboard With Duct Tape

Step 5: Tape the Taped Together Short Sides and the One Long Side Together to Make Something Like This:

Step 6: Take a Couple Rubber Bands and Four Thumb Tacks.

Step 7: Stick One of the Thumb Tacks to Your Wall and Tape a Rubber Band to the Cardboard.

Step 8: Tape Two More Rubber Bands to the Cardboard and Stretch One of Them From the Top to the Bottom Thumbtack and Over the Cardboard (you Can Tape the Rubber Band to the Cardboard If You Need To) and the There

Tape two more rubber bands to the cardboard and stretch one of them from the top thumbtack to the bottom thumbtack and over the cardboard (you can tape the rubber band to the cardboard if you need to) and the other rubber band will go from the bottom thumbtack to the middle of the cardboard.

Step 9: Add Nail Polish Bottles and Enjoy! :)

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