Introduction: Nintendo Switch Carboard Arcade Cabinet

About: Just a normal adventurer who likes to roam around the world and see other people cool builds.

An easy and normal are arcade cabinet made out of cardboard. For the Nintendo switch. Version 1


Just a ruler, pen, 2 glue sticks or 1, and the cardboard.

Got these bad boys from the thrift store.

ruler = 75c,

Pocketknife 6.00$

pen = free

glue sticks = 25c


Maruchan Instant Shrimp Flavor, 2.25 Oz (Pack Of 12) = 21.99 from Walmart.


Total = 28.99

Step 1:

Measurement the cardboard, Cutout. Glue them together, Last savage big parts for front, top and borders.

Step 2:

cool beans

Arcade Student Design Challenge

Participated in the
Arcade Student Design Challenge