Introduction: Nixie Watch Prototype_C

About: Steampunk artist, scientist, engineer

Small worklog of my new nixie watch creation

I spend 6 month for building this watch.

Aluminium case. - Created from one solid piece of aluminium. Using lathe I cut 2 parts: top cover and casing

Quartz glass. - Glass cutted and polished from one solid block of quartz glass

Leather bracelet. - 28mm width

Docking station. - cutted from oak wood. On docking station installed mini-USB port for connectivity with charger.


Sensor adjustments - no mooving parts.

This is Fully Assembled and Tested Nixie Watch with 2 Pieces IN-16 NOS Tubes.

Power By: DC 5V via rechargeable battery or via Docking station.

Time before recharging: 6+ hours in active mode or more than 3+ month in passive mode

User Selectable: HH-MM / Change on - off / Charge left /Back-light colour

Dimension: Width 50mm x Depth 19mm

Docking station powered via USB. Oak Wood

Water resistance: Rainy weather will be not a problem.

Battery: Lithium-polymer, nonremovable. 400mah

Accuracy: +/- 1 second per month

Operating Temperature: -25 to +40°С / +3 to 105°F

Glass: Quartz glass !!!

Step 1:

First of all i'll ansver for your question abaut sharing drawings or cirquit:

Sorry byt it will be really impossible: 2 weeks ago my SSD drive died with all drawings... of all my creations

I have 5 finished boards left and i\ll use them for Steampunk art. (like on first photo)


Materials: Solid aluminium block, bicycle spokes, quartz glass, oak, little brass.

Equipment: Lathe, Dremel, file, time

Step 2: Circuits

Watch assembled from 4 circuits

1. Mainboard

2. Tube board

3. Left RGB led board

4. Right RGB led board


1. Atmel microcontroller

2. Accelerometer or buttons

3. 2 batteries

4. no RTC

5. power supply

Working mode: Dynamic indication

Circuits i ordered on factury this time. I use board with multiple layers. Board thickness 0.75 mm

Step 3: And More Photos

And more photos from photoset it was really cold