Introduction: No Sew Open Back Shirt
Hey everyone it's momo, and today I'll be showing you how to make a cute back cut shirt. ENJOY!!!!
Step 1: Supplies
1- old t shirt
2- scissors
2- scissors
Step 2: Start Up
Lay it out on a flat surface.
Step 3: Cut
Fold the back of the shirt in half and cut straight lines. (Cut them as long as you desire)
Step 4: Curl
Stretch and pull up the strips you made so they curl up a bit.
Step 5: Start to Weave
Take the second string and pull it up from BEHIND the first string. THEN, pull it back down OVER the same string (the first one)
Step 6: Do the Same
Do the same thing you just did but with the next string down (the third one). Keep doing this until you get to the bottom
Step 7: When You're Done..
It should look like this with one last loop hanging at the end. Cut it and tie it to the string above it
Step 8: Viola
And you went from an old Tshirt. And turned it into something fun to wear!!!!
Step 9: Follow Me!
If you haven't already, follow me by joining the farm family and give a cow it's wings! Love y'all •_£