Introduction: No-Sugar Banana Sorvete
Hi everybody! Today we're teaching a quick and easy brazilian recipe, that needs no sugar to be prepared: it's called "Sorvete de Banana" (Banana Ice Cream), and we find it tastier and healthier than industrialized ice creams!
Step 1: Ingredients
For this recipe, you will need only 6 bananas and 200g (7oz) of heavy cream. I like to make it when the bananas are very, very ripe, when they get very sweet. Many people would throw them away at this point, but, instead, you can use them to make this recipe!
Step 2: How to Prepare
First, you have to freeze the bananas. Peel them and put them into a bowl. There's no need to cut them now. Take it to the freezer until they are completely freezed.
Step 3:
Take the bananas out of the freezer and, with your hands, break them into pieces. Put it into a blender, then add the heavy cream.
Step 4:
Blend the bananas with the heavy cream. Some blenders have no power to blend it all at once, so you may have to stop from time to time to stir the cream with a spoon. Use a lid to blend.
Step 5: Enjoy!
It's ready! If you keep it on the fridge, it will get the consistency of a cream. If you keep it in the freezer, it will turn into an ice cream in about 3 hours. It can also be served immediately, as a cream. Yelds four servings. Enjoy!