Introduction: Nuka Cola- Cherry,Quantum, Original&Victory

About: I'm a keen builder, and will use anything from cardboard to PVC to build things! Hopefully I'll be making more Instructables soon...
Nuka-Cola- A cool drink in the Fallout series. I've always wanted to make one, and, seeing as I'm really into Fallout at the moment, I've decided to make a few!

Step 1: What You Are Going to Need:

To make the Nuka-Cola's you will need the following:

A J20 bottle, or a Coca-Cola bottle.
Red, Blue, Black and Yellow food colouring.
Glue-stick/Hot glue
The Labels;

Nuka-Cola cap's label-
Tonic water

Step 2: Preparing the Bottle

Start of by emptying out the contents of your bottle- So drink up!

When all the drink has gone, wash out the bottle with some water. Then, start to peel of the label. Unfortunately, when I began to do this, the label didn't come off right. So, I then washed the label with hot water, and it began to just come away. I then got a cloth a rubbed off the sticky residue. It left the bottle clean and ready to be made into a Nuka-Cola!

Step 3: Print Off the Labels

Using the hyperlinks provided, print off the labels and the cut them out- But, remember to cut carefully as this step will make or break your Nuka-Cola's.

Step 4: Sizing Is Everything!

When I was printing them off, I wanted to save some ink by placing two labels on each page- BIG MISTAKE! It made the labels too small! I did previously try a test label, but the labels didn't go around the entire circumference of the bottle. Whoops! From there, I tried to make them bigger and I then printed them off again.(in colour). This time, they labels were too big and they overlapped each other. It's just not my day is it?

So, when you're printing off the labels- CHECK THE SIZE!

Step 5: Making the Drink

Ok this is the main part the drink itself. Fill up your bottle with water (Not to the top!) and add the following amounts of food colouring:

Quantum- 1-2 drops of Blue food colouring
Victory- A drop of Yellow and 1-2 drops of red food colouring
Cherry- 2-3 drops of red food colouring
Original- 1-2 drops of black food colouring OR ordinary Coke

Mix the drink.

This method will work with any Nuka-Cola. Also, if you want your drink to light up add Tonic water! It has Quinine in it, and when Quinine is lit up, it GLOWS!

Step 6: Sticking the Label On

Get your labels and your bottles and stick them onto each bottle. Do this by adding Hot Glue/Glue-Stick glue to the labels, and then line them up so that both labels meet up. If you get some bubbles or lines on the labels, leave them there- they did go through a Nuclear Explosion!

Step 7: The Bottle Caps

OPTIONAL- make a Nuka-Cola bottle cap. I didn't do this step, but there is plenty of tutorials all around the web, so have a look round there, and you'll get what you are looking for.

Step 8: Admire Your Nuka-Cola's

When you have completed all these steps, you are done! Enjoy your cool and new Nuka-Cola's!

Can I also thank 'WhatPayne' for making the labels; they were very useful!

All rights go to Bethesda Software

Thank you for reading!

Step 9: Updates

So, I've made a couple more Nuka-Cola's, including my own type of the drink! Here they are! If you have any questions I will be happy to answer them.

Best Regards,

If you want, my 'Nuka Cola Radium' label now up for download. If it doesn't work, post acomment stating why. Also, if you do wish to use the label, inform me, and state that you did not make the label (sorry for the hubba-bub, but it's what I did when I got the other labels)
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