Introduction: Halo ODST Armor Build : Table of Contents (TOC)

The project required so many steps that I had to break it down into FIVE instructables. Please follow the links below to the actual instructables I wrote on how to build the different armor parts ..

1. Helmet (Read this instructable FIRST ) ***COMPLETE & DONE***
2. Torso (PVC dummy, milling machine video, shortcut using foam) ***COMPLETE & DONE***
3. Arms (this instructable has great casting resin and painting examples) ***W.I.P.***
4. Legs (coming soon) ***have not started yet***
5. Weapons (coming soon) **Have not started yet ***

I discuss many alternatives to building armor like "rondo/mud", casting resin, making decals, Gold Bondo, using a mill, and PUDDING ;)

I tried to be as detailed as possible with LOTS and LOTS of pictures.

You can pretty much build your entire suit using the principles learned in the Helmet Instructable , but I wanted to really document every little step i took.

I will update this Table of Contents (TOC) as I complete each part. Just remember that is is not the actual instructable, just a TOC or index or reference point or anchor or...

Go to steps 3-7 to see some progress pictures.

I moved and lost my garage

Step 1: List of Updates

Update History:

5/27/11 - LOTS of pictures of the TORSO being put togther on step 12.

5/24/11 - Sorry for the delay. Been busy with life.  Added pictures in the TORSO instructable. I have most of the Torso done. Just putting it all together. The instructable is done.

11/6/10 - Added picture of finished belt buckle and one abdomen plate.

10/29/10 - Added milling video of belt buckle being made in Torso Instructable.

10/28/10 - added step and pictures for metal buckles in Torso instructable.

10/28/10 - Added pictures for abdomen pads and belt buckle Torso instructable.

10/21/10 - added steps for using foam for shoulder straps Torso instructable.

10/17/10 - Added pictures of shoulder armor In Arm instructable.

Step 2: General Parts List

This is everything you will need for the full build.


1. A stack of Card Stock - Letter or A4 size. the paper weight should be 110lbs.
2. Glue. i use Elmer's white glue. Wood Glue works also. Others use superglue, gorilla glue, or hot glue
3. Resin - Epoxy, Polyester, or casting resin. Type used depends on budget and working environment.
4. Fiberglass mat or cloth - only if you go with epoxy or polyester resin. Not need if casting resin is used.
5. Bondo or similar vehicle body repair putty.
6. Putty spreader
7. Foam or other padding material
8. Visor material - This will be the tricky one.
9. Masking tape
10. sand paper - course and fine.
11. Paints - Primer, silver, black, your prefered colors, and matte clear coat. This is supposed to be battle armor. It's not supposed to be shiny.
12. Fabric, black
13. Elastic bands
14. Nylon Straps
16. Plastic buckles
17. Fabric Glue
18. Ketchup or mustard or Swiss Miss Pudding. Pudding smells better, so i like to use that...

1. Computer
2. Printer
3. Exacto knife
4. scissors
5. Ruler
6. ball point pen.
7. paint brushes
8. plastic cups
9. popsicle sticks
10. cutting mat or cutting board
11. Disposable gloves
12. Respirator
13. Safety Glasses
14 Dremel or other rotary tools.
15. Detail sander or a sanding block

very small PC Fan, led, batteries, paper towels, shop towels, wires, screws.

Specialty items (nice to have but may be beyond us): Things I wish I had...
Vacuum forming rig.
Silicon rubber for mold making
Rotocasting rig.

Step 3: Part 1: Helmet

Follow the link below for the actual completed helmet instructions -

Part 1: The Helmet

Some progresss pictures below.

Step 4: Part 2: Torso

Follow the link below for the actual detailed instructable on the Torso portion of the armor.

Part 2 - The Torso

Some detail pictures below.

Step 5: Part 3: Arms

Follow the link below for the actual detailed instructable on the Arm armor bits.

Part 3 - The Arms

Some progress pictures below.

Step 6: Part 4: Legs

This part is still under constructions. Please check back again soon

Step 7: Part 5: Weapons

This part is still under constructions. Please check back again soon