Introduction: OWL TEDDY

I hope you like this as much as I did. I got this idea from A book call “Made By Me” it was written by Jane Bull and published in 2009. Well enjoy (::)

Step 1: Materials


1.felt white, black, blue, and brown

2.yellow thread


4.baking paper




Step 2: Step 1

draw the templet of your owl on baking paper, and cut it out.

Step 3: Step 2

pin your templet on to some blue felt cut out two pieces of felt.

Step 4: Step 3

decorate one of the two pieces of blue felt like an a owl cut out 2 blake and white felt

eyes and a brown felt beck

Step 5: Step 4

blanket stitch the two pieces of blue felt together

Step 6: Step 5

Stuff the owl with stuffing

Step 7: Step 6

Finish up by blanket stitching the bottom and ting of the thread you have now the cutest

Owl ever!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Step 8: