Introduction: Oceanic Phone Case Made From Trash

About: Hello! My name is Jennifer and I love to cook. Baking, grilling, smoking, and frying interest me. Creating my own recipe is even better!
Hi guys! I’m sharing with you with my phone case that was given new life by using trash. I used a McDonald’s food sack, a cardboard soap box, part of a potato sack, and various odds and ends that I found in my neighborhood.
I really love the aquatic end result and I hope you will too!

Hot glue gun
Mod Podge Dimensional Magic
Phone case
Pearl Powders

Step 1:

Start with a worn out phone case. This one is very scratched dirty and should be considered trash.

Step 2:

Grab an old paper sack. I used a McDonald’s bag and I crushed it into a ball so that it would have lots of wrinkles and dimension.
I used my hot glue gun to adhere the bag to the phone. Make sure that you don’t flatten the bag or smooth it out. Using, scissors, I cut away the excess.

Step 3:

Next, I took the case and sprayed it lightly with turquoise spray paint while it was laying on a cardboard box.

Step 4:

Next, I rested the case on a spray paint cap so that I could spray at an angle. I used gold spray paint to simulate sunshine filtering through the ocean.

Step 5:

I found this cute little seahorse online and I printed it out on a trash piece of paper. I glued it on a soap box and cut it out. I placed a heavy object on it so that it would dry flat.

Step 6:

While my seahorse was drying, I used spray paint to color some grass that I found in my yard.

Step 7:

I also used Versamark and Pearl Powders to add some fun shine and sparkle to some of my found objects.
The Versamark was used to create a sticky surface that the powders could stick to.

Step 8:

I also added some Pearl Powders to the sea horse and that paper on the phone case.

Step 9:

I added tape over the camera hole and then starting gluing my decorative elements on my phone case using a hot glue gun.

Step 10:

With a small paintbrush, I coated the entire surface of the case with Mod Podge Dimensional Magic. I let it dry for about five hours and then coated it again.
After drying overnight, I was able to remove the tape and utilize my new and improved phone case. I checked to make sure there were no edges or protrusions that I thought would catch on my pocket. I cut a few things off with scissors. It is three dimensional but with two coats of Mod Podge, it is rigid and sealed.
I love it and I think it is so neat because it is made from a bunch of trash!

Step 11:

Before and After
Trash to Treasure

Participated in the
Trash to Treasure

Pocket-Sized Contest

Participated in the
Pocket-Sized Contest

Paper Contest 2018

Participated in the
Paper Contest 2018