Introduction: Office Space Love

About: I'm one of the original members of Handmade Detroit, that crafty group that brings you the Detroit Urban Craft Fair and Sunday Crafternoon.
Don't Neglect your office this Valentine's Day!

Step 1: Select Form

I decided to use only thrifted/repurposed/already-owned materials for this project. I found a Styrofoam heart form at my local thrift store that worked perfectly.

Step 2: Add Bubble Wrap

I found some pinkish bubble wrap on clearance for 50 cents a roll at Staples. (I guess there weren't too many people who felt the need to wrap their Christmas cookies in colored bubbles...) I cut a skinny strip from the fat roll that it came on to make it easier to wrap around the form. Because the form is Styrofoam, I used a clear push pin to keep the end piece in place as I started wrapping.

Step 3: Securing Your Work

Once the bubble wrap was all the way around the wreath (I used hospital corners when folding around the heart's points), I used my pushpins as accents on the inside and outside of the wreath. Not only did this give the wreath the possibility of poking out your eye, but made sure the bubble wrap won't wiggle.

Step 4: Decorate!

Time for your office decorations. You could use whatever you have lying around your desk: Post-It notes, phone message forms, TPS reports, etc. I love "HELLO MY NAME IS" badges, so I picked some loving phrases like "Lish" (what a great name!) and "pumpkin." (If you're going for the self-affirmation theme like me, make sure to include "sugarbooger." If you're a fan of "Reality Bites," you'll recognize the phrase in a second. Possibly the best worst pet name ever. Or as my friend suggested after seeing the finished product, "Dork.")