Introduction: Office Supplies Toy Airplane With Rubber Band Powered Spinning Prop
Here is an office supply toy airplane. It doesn't fly, but the prop spins. Check out EnderMine634 on youtube to see it in action!!!
Step 1: Items
You will need:
1 pen
1 regular paper clip
3 large paper clips
A hot glue gun
1 rubber bands
1 pen
1 regular paper clip
3 large paper clips
A hot glue gun
1 rubber bands
Step 2: Taking Apart the Pen
First you want to take apart the pen so you only have the body. You want to make sure the center of the body has a wide hole in it.
Step 3: Threading the Band
Next you want to thread the rubber band through the body. This can get tricky!!! Once you get the band through, you will want to put 1 giant paper clip unfolded through 1 side. On the other 1 small unfolded paper clip.
Step 4: Glueing
Next you want to put glue on where ever the giant paper clip meets the pen.
Step 5: Adding the Crook
Next add a tight crook in the smaller paper clip where it meets the rubber band. Make sure it's tight enough to fit in your pen hole. This is so the prop doesn't fly off!!!
Step 6: Bending the Tail
After that, you want to make the tail into a tail shape. You should be able to move the paper clip up and down even after glueing it. So bend both edges down to the sides and glue them there.
Step 7: Wings
Take 2 giant paper clips and straighten them out. Then bend them down the middle, so you have a semi triangle. Then glue the semi triangles to the top of your plane. The bigger the glob the better, cause those are the seats for your plane.
Step 8: Finishing
You are now done with the office supply plane. I hope you enjoy this. To make the prop spin, wind with your finger! Have Fun!!!