Introduction: Office Supply Crafts: 3-D Paper Hearts

About: Garvey's Office Products is the largest family-owned office supply dealer in Illinois. We are the nice guys in office supplies!

Watch the video above or follow the steps below to create 3-D decorative paper hearts.

Step 1: Cut Paper Hearts

Using scissors, cut out hearts from paper. TIP: It's best to use construction paper, but regular paper will work as well.

For a template to use, copy and paste the following link into your browser:

Step 2: Slit Paper Hearts

Once your paper hearts are cut, slit each heart in the middle. Aim for a cut that's a little under halfway.

Step 3: Staple Paper Hearts

Once you've made your slit, fold your heart in half and staple in the middle. ADVICE: The farther in you staple, the more "3-D-like" your paper hearts will be.

Step 4: Pop Paper Hearts

After stapling, flip your heart over and carefully pop the heart into place. If you are using regular paper (like in our video), be extra careful or your heart will tear.

Step 5: Decorate

Make as many hearts as you need to decorate then stick your heart with double-sided or masking tape. BONUS: The rounded edges of your heart will be the best place to tape, as they are the flattest.