Introduction: Olmec From Legends of the Hidden Temple

About: I am a foam fabricator and own a costume and prop design company called Partybot Designs. I take on commissions of any scale from cosplay costumes to festival stages. Follow me on all social media under "Party…
Who wasn't a fan of the amazing Nickelodeon game show of the early 90s "Legends of The Hidden Temple"? A week before Halloween we decided to go all out and get the obscure...yet amazing...costume done. I usually work all year, but this was a speed build. 

Step 1: Carving Foam

This was a pretty simple build. I took a giant box from a table, glued on dense blue home insulation foam and then built up layers with expanding foam. Each can is about $4 and the sheet of blue foam is $25. It could be done cheaper with scavenged foam if you can find it.

DO NOT USE STYROFOAM. It compresses with any pressure applied and melts if you use anything aerosol to paint. I used latex paint. You can get good deals if you check the return section at a home improvement store.

The head dress is cardboard and a hole was cutout to cover with sheer fabric so you can see out. You can build this in two pieces if you'd like to make transportation easier.

Step 2: The Back of Olmec

Mouth Movement

So we installed tap lights behind opaque thin plastic red eyes made from plastic plates at the dollar store. The shoulder mounts are L brackets used for shelves, shoved into the thick foam and gorilla glued into place. nut and bolts were used to attach nylon strap that goes over your shoulders for support.

The mouth movement mechanism is made by taking a length of PVC pipe, adding an L connection, and a sharpened shorter piece of PVC that is stuck into the mouth piece in the back. Again...apply gorilla glue. Then you attach two of the C shaped brackets to the back of olmec, run the pipe through, and then attach a bungie to one of the holes in the PVC pipe you drilled to keep it closed. To open the mouth you simply pull down on the pipe.

The hip pipe is needed to keep the costume off your knees so you can walk easier. reenforce two brackets mounts on the sides depending on your box and 2" PVC pipe should work well. You can add pipe insulation to pad it for cheap.

We added fabric to the back and painted the lower portion to hide the mess and the wearer.

The head dress had wall paper texture sprayed on to roughen up the smooth cardboard finish and blend in. The round discs on the head dress and the "ear" area are the plastic liners you put under potted plants and only a few cents.

Step 3: Fame and Glory

We actually met a contestant from the show and had a loyal cult following at all the parties. Two friends dressed up as competitors and even made the pendants. You can take a cork coaster, print images of the pendant on photo paper to the appropriate diameter, and attach with spray adhesive. Then use twine for the necklace. Enjoy!