Introduction: Open EVSE Arduino Shield

Open EVSE Arduino Shield.

OpenEVSE Store


Parts List:
D107E DC/DC Converter
2 position 3.5mm Screw terminal
2 position 5mm Screw terminal
Arduino Stack headers (2-6pin 2-8pin)
IC2 LM358 Opamp
IC4 LF353 Opamp
C6 1uf Ceramic Capacitor
C7 1uf Ceramic Capacitor
C8 .1uf Ceramic Capacitor
C9 10uf electrolytic Capacitor
D1 1N4148 Diode
D3 1N4148 Diode
D4 1N4148 Diode
D5 5.1V Zener Diode
D6 5.1V Zener Diode
P6KE16CA TVS bi-directional Diode
R1 1k Ohm Resistor 1%
R2 330 Ohm Resistor
R3 330 Ohm Resistor
R4 330 Ohm Resistor
R5 56k Ohm Resistor
R6 100k Ohm Resistor
R7 200k Ohm Resistor
R8 100k Ohm Resistor
R9 100k Ohm Resistor
R11 330 Ohm Resistor
R12 2.4k Ohm Resistor
R13 2.4k Ohm Resistor
R14 100k Ohm Resistor
R15 20k Ohm Resistor
R16 100k Ohm Resistor
R17 330 Ohm Resistor
R18 100 Ohm Resistor
R19 10k Ohm Resistor
R20 1k Ohm Resistor

Step 1: Resistors

To make the build process less difficult we are going to start with the components closest to the board and finish with the largest.

Insert lead into hole and bend out slightly so the resistor does not fall out. Clip leads clean with the solder joint to avoid shorts with the shield/Arduino below.

Start with the 330 Ohm resistors (Orange, Orange, Brown). Solder a 330 Ohm resistor in R2, R3, R4, R11 and R17.
Next solder the 100k Resistors (Brown, Black, Yellow) in R6, R8, R9, R14, R16
Solder the 2.4k Resistors (Red, Yellow, Red) in R12 and R13
Solder the 1k Resistors (Brown, Black, Red) in R1 and R20
Solder the remaining Resistors:
     R18 100 Ohm (Brown, Black, Brown) *schematic incorrectly shows 150Ohm
     R19 10K (Brown, Black, Orange)
     R15 20k (Red, Black, Orange)
     R7 200k (Red, Black, Yellow)
     R5 56k (Green, Blue, Orange)

Step 2: Capacitors

Solder the two 1uf capacitors in C6 and C7. Next solder the .1uf (marked 104) in C8.

And finally the 10uf Electrolytic in C9 *Check polarity for C9  Long lead +

Step 3: Diodes

Solder the three 1N4148 diodes in D1, D3, and D4. * Watch Polarity

Solder the two zener diodes in D5, D6 * Watch Polarity

Solder the TVS diode in its spot next to IC2. Polarity does not matter...

Step 4: ICs

Solder IC2 LF353 Opamp, Check that the Dot or notch is on the correct side correct. *Optional install a 8pin socket so Opamp can be Removed \ Replaced in the future...

Solder IC4 LM358 Opamp, Check that the Dot or notch is on the correct side correct. *Optional install a 8pin socket so Opamp can be Removed \ Replaced in the future...

Solder the 2N2222 NPN transistor in Q2 orientation displayed on silkscreen.

Step 5: Connectors and DC/DC Converter

Solder the D107E DC/DC converter.

Next solder the 3.5mm and 5mm Screw terminals.

Optional solder pin headers for GFCI CT Coil CR8420-1000-G or solder GFCI CT coil directly to board.

Finally solder the shield stack headers (DO NOT CLIP LEADS)

Step 6: Loading Firmware

Load the Open EVSE firmware to your Arduino with the Arduino IDE or AVRDude.



Step 7: Testing

Testing your EVSE is very important... The Arduino Shield is designed for EVSE development (hardware and software) and should not be used as your primary EVSE. Fully test your EVSE before attaching to any EV...

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