Introduction: Oreo Ice Cream
Hello there! This is a simple recipe to do the oreo ice cream with a twist. This is a yummy evening treat for everyone.
Let's get started!
For this you will need:
- Oreo Cookies
- Whipped Cream or Fresh Cream
- Vanilla Extract
- Sugar powder
- Sweet Condensed milk
- Milk
- Ice cream or chocolate mold
- Squeeze bottle or piping bag
Step 1: The Vanilla Ice Cream
- Take the fresh cream and pour it into a bowl. Make sure the fresh cream is chilled before proceeding.
- Whisk the cream until you get a soft peak as shown in picture 1.
- Now add 3 Tablespoon of vanilla extract.
- 3/4 cup of sweetened condensed milk
- 3/4 cup of milk
- Whisk well.
- Take the mold in the form of cubes and pour the mixture.
- Freeze the mold for 3-4 hours.
- Keep the remaining mixture in the refrigerator (not freezer) for the later process.
Step 2: Oreo Balls
- Take oreo cookies and grind them till you get a fine powder.
- Put the powder on a plate.
- Take out the frozen cubes of vanilla ice cream and put them on the powdered plate.
- Wait for 7-8 minutes till the cubes start to melt.
- Now make round or square balls by thick coating them all over the cubes and place it into a different bowl.
- Make the balls faster because the ice cream will be melting soon.
- Once the balls are done freeze them for 10 to 15 minutes.
Step 3: Plating
The essential part of any food is plating. You can choose to plate any style you wish to, here I'll show how I have plated them.
- Take a sieve and put the powdered sugar into it.
- Place another plate over the plating plate as shown.
- Go on dropping the sugar powder evenly.
- In the squeeze bottle, pour the vanilla ice cream mixture and make small dots and a line as shown.
- Place the oreo balls on the plate.
- Place an ODD number of balls for the aesthetics.
- Again sieve the powdered sugar on top of the oreo balls.
Voila! The oreo ice cream is ready to be served.