Introduction: Origami Heart

About: Hey this is Ninjacat1andonly from youtube and ive been with instructables for 3 years now bringing you guys some cool DIY stuff while being featured twice! I love sharing new ideas here and i probably wont st…

This is my first instructable so it may not be that good but, here is my origami heart and i hope u like it!

So fist u get a (kinda) square 3 in up and 3 1/2 across (first picture).

You then fold the two bottom corners up so that they equally align (second picture).

After that you fold the side of the paper above the fold (previous step) so it looks round (third picture).

Then you fold the side of the paper above the first one all the way to the top (fourth picture).

Then you fold the corner so has more of a round edge (fifth picture).

Then you fold the top left down so when you flip over it should look like a half circle (sixth picture).

Once all of that is done do the same thing on the other side (seventh picture).

(optional) fold the inside parts in a little bit so it doesn't look like a straight line down (eight picture)

Once your all done it will be a Origami heart!! f

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