Introduction: Oven Baked Chips
Step 1: Ingredients and Supply's
-Some kind of cooking oil
-Flavoring (Salt, flavored salt, vinegar, ect.)
-foil or parchment paper
-Knife or something to cut potato's with
-pan with lip
-container to keep chips in (not pictured)
Step 2: Cut Potato's
Cut potato's in to slices about 1/8 of an inch in thickness
Step 3: Add Flavoring
If your using vinegar you will need to place potato slices in a bowl and add vinegar until it covers them and place in fridge for 20-30 mins.
Step 4: Foil
Line pan with foil and add salt or other spices for extra flavoring
Step 5: Oil
If you used vinegar take it out of the fridge and lay it out to dry, then fill a bowl with oil and dunk potato's in making sure the whole potato is covered
Step 6: Oven Time
Set potatoes on pan add any flavoring and set your oven to 350F and place pan in oven for 10-15 min
Step 7: Flipping Them
After the 10 mins flip potatoes over using the tong, put them back in the oven for another 10-15 min or until you see some brown spots, if you have thinner slices like I did then you should leave then in for less time or they will turn all brown like mine did.
Step 8: Finished
You can now use your spatula to remove chips from tray, if you are going to do another batch you can use the same foil if it didn't burn :)